2/29 Meyer Lemon Zucchini Pizza
Courtesy of Naturehills.com
The first time I had ever had a Meyer Lemon was in a gin and tonic in Georgia. It was love at first sip. They have the bravado of a lemon with the sweetness of a tangerine. They are fragrant and juicy with an unmistakable orange hue that grows in beauty as they ripen. I love them. I love their flavor, their brilliant, sun-shiney shade of Summer and their fleeting availability (Dec-April). They are a beacon of hope in the middle of Winter. They feel endangered and elusive even though they are neither. Right about now they can be found almost anywhere and I am buying them by the KIA full. I have at least two new Meyer Lemon recipes to share with you. Here is the first one. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
A friend of mine, Krysti has told me about a famed Zucchini lemon pizza that she loves to make. I thought it sounded like a smashing way to enjoy Meyer Lemons. I used store bought brown rice crust from Natures Hilights. I really enjoy using them and they make for easy dinner fixins. You will find them in the freezer section of your fave health food store. Two crusts come in a box.
Meyer Lemon Zucchini Pizza with Fresh Herb & Walnut Pesto
Inspired by Kristi and re-imagined by: S. Duquet
Pesto Ingredients
Recipe will make enough for two pizzas and a little bit extra for sandwiches the next day.
2 packed cups fresh parsley
1/2 packed cup fresh basil
1 1/2 C raw walnuts
1/2 C Meyer Lemon juice (or lemon juice)
1/2 C water
2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast flakes
fresh cracked black pepper to taste
Pizza Ingredients
Crust of your choice
1 C thinly sliced zucchini (We used very small zucchini because that is our preference)
Zest of one Meyer Lemon (or regular lemon)
1/2 tsp garlic powder (or more if you would like)
Make It Happen
~Put all pesto ingredients into food processor or blender and pulse until your desired consistency is reached.
~Spread half of pesto on to pizza crust.
~Top pesto with zucchini and lemon zest
~Sprinkle with garlic powder and bake according to your crust directions
~Allow to cool for a minute or so before cutting and enjoying.
The lemon forward pesto is tangy and bold. Because we chose not to sautee the zucchini before putting it on the pizza, it retained its most appealing attributes. The lemon and the crisp and the crunch were phenomenal. I think you are going to love this one.
Have a delicious day.
Tags: compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, going veg, Meatless Monday recipe, Meyer Lemon recipes, Meyer Lemon Zucchini pizza, plant based diet, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan pizza, vegan pizza recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian pizza, vegetarian recipe
March 2nd, 2012 at 4:21 pm
Gorgeous and delectable! Would be fun to mix in some sunny yellow zucchini too!