11/1 A Winner and A Question

Happy First Day of November. Hope you had a magical Halloween. We woke up and watched Dial M For Murder in our jammies, while enjoying our morning coffee. It was SO decadent and luxurious. It felt like being on vacation. I recommend you try some version of this experience as soon as you can. Unplugging can be healing.

Later we made salt and pepper pumpkin seeds to share at a bonfire with friends.  We enjoyed some Witch’s Brew wine and gave  out vegan candies to the little and not so little ones.  I may have consumed more than my allotment of Sour Patch Kids and Chewy Sweet Tarts.

Winner Announced

Congratulations Bobbe A. You are the winner of the GO Vegan Week prize pack! You will receive a bountiful package full of fantastic veg recipes and  magazines. Enjoy browsing and trying some new vegetarian and vegan dishes.

A Question

Over the weekend I saw the strangest thing. I was eating a banana when I spied the Chiquita sticker (like usual). This time there was a tiny advertisement on the sticker for a Wii game. I couldn’t decide if I was enraged or impressed.  For a split second I was a little bit freaked out that they had used the magnificent protective shell of a banana as a billboard. Is nothing sacred? I can understand why you would put your own company name on your product, but when did you start selling ad space on your bananas?

So, can  a cleverly placed ad campaign for a video game  actually encourage inactive banana consumers to play or exercise more through the purchase of an active Wii game? I am not sure if I can make that leap of faith. But, if  it could actually accomplish that,  then it would be a wonderful and  beneficial thing. Or…is it just a gigantic financial deal between Chiquita and Wii and a manipulative way to get people to buy more video games? I haven’t decided, so I thought I would pose the question to ponder. Maybe have a banana with your cereal and think about it.

Have a delicious day.

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