11/3 Vegan MoFo
Yesterday I stumbled across the greatest event in November history…Vegan MoFo (Month of Food). Created five years ago by the Post Punk Kitchen Maven Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Vegan MoFo is a collection of vegan bloggers from around the world (700 to date including Exploits!) You may also recognize Isa Chandra Moskowitz as author of one of the vegan cooking bibles, Veganomicon. Who better to bridge this community of vegan bloggers for a month of sharing insights about plant based diets?
MoFo brings together global bloggers who love to blog about, talk about and dream about cooking, creating and eating vegan food. Each blogger has committed to posting five days a week (which we already do here at Exploits) to inundate the universe with inspiring recipes, photos and stories to change the world one meal at a time. I LOVE it! It feels like an inspired month long relay race, with each baton a recipe, tip or shopping experience passed to the next team member or reader.
What a cool idea!
I’ll keep you up to date on some of the most interesting ideas shared, but you may want to check it out yourself too. You can even sign up for an RSS feed if you become a die hard enthusiast. We are listed in the Blog Roll 2010 alphabetically under Exploits Of a Vegan Wannabe. You can also click over to the Vegan MoFo Headquarters site from there.
If you are a fan of free, fun and easy contests, like I am, you can also enter to win contests during MoFo. Just follow this link to the Post Punk Kitchen forum. It is a clearing house of the giveaways from all of the participating bloggers. Yeah giveaways! I love winning prizes and have already entered to win a cook book.
This will be a new way to find great Holiday cooking ideas to put compassionate food on many plates during family gatherings this season. It’s part of our journey, changing the world, one meal at a time.
Have a delicious day.
Tags: compassionate eating, going veg, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, plant based diet, Post Punk Kitchen, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, Vegan MoFo, Vegan Month of Food, vegan wannabe, Veganomicon
November 3rd, 2010 at 11:34 am
You blog 5 days a week anyway! Holy Schmoley! That is awesome. Go you!

November 3rd, 2010 at 2:12 pm
I do. It is so funny, before I started the blog I had never read a blog. I had no idea that most bloggers did not post daily. I thought that was the norm, so that is what I started doing. The only day I do not post is Sunday.
November 3rd, 2010 at 5:51 pm
Agreed!! Go You! Happy MoFo’ing!
November 3rd, 2010 at 9:04 pm
Thank you and thank you much for visiting. I am so thrilled to be a part of this amazing, blogging, vegan rocking community.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:17 am
Hey hey hey glad you are on the MoFo roaad with me. Yay.
November 8th, 2010 at 10:24 am
What an amazing collaboration of international bloggers! I was thrilled to make the deadline and be included.