5/18 Simplicity-Almond Butter & Asian Pear Sammy

Most days I leave for work at 6am. That means my lunch is made everyday between 4-5 am when inspiration may still be asleep. The other morning we were also dealing with a pretty bare cupboard. Out of necessity, sleep deprivation and an urgency of time, we came up with the Almond Butter, Asian Pear Sammy.

Photo By: S. Duquet

When I sat down to eat it so many hours later…..I could not believe the flavor, the crunch, the sweetness and the baked-in goodness of the raisin toast as a sandwich. It occurred to me then that being vegan/veg or eating in a healthy way does not require you to be a good cook, or even to enjoy cooking. What it does require however is a willingness to put yourself first, even when you are pressed for time and ideas. Your True North becomes your desire to nourish your body and soul with food that loves you back….even on your lunch break. It is easier than I thought and more satisfying than I could have ever imagined. Treat yourself well today. You deserve it.

Almond Butter & Asian Pear Sammy

By: S. Duquet

Makes two sandwiches


4 slices of Ezekial Sprouted Raisin bread

2 servings of almond butter (I used crunchy, no salt added)

1 Asian pear, cored and thinly sliced

Make It Happen

~Toast your Ezekial bread (This way the raisins caramelize and the bread does not get soggy if you have to wait for your lunch hour.)

~Slather both sides with almond butter

~Layer Asian Pear on one slice of bread and  top with the other slice. Cut in half and enjoy.

Photo By: S. Duquet

There is something oddly magnificent about the combination of the almond butter,  Asian Pear and  raisin toast that transcends both breakfast or lunch and launches this sandwich into the craveable category.

Kale Trail Update

Yesterday the plan was to meet back at the house around 3pm to go for a run. I had several appointments before then and found myself in the car, doing an inadequate job of fending off starvation by consuming a bag of snap peas. When I arrived home,  I burst in the door and made a behemoth bowl of flax cereal with a banana, raspberries, raisins, the kitchen sink and enough almond milk to float a pontoon boat in. I ate it like it was trying to get away. In the hysteria I  didn’t realize how close it was to running time. When Sandy came home I was on the couch suffering with my cereal  food baby and actually in gastrointestinal distress from all of the raw snap peas, fresh fruit and  cereal I had just wolfed down.

So, we waited as long as we could to run. As we stepped out the door on this very chilly and gray evening….the rain started. I said, “Oh no, its raining!” Meaning…lets jump back under the fleece on the couch with Chloe and watch a movie. I new that wouldn’t fly.  As we walked to the park for our warm up, it rained harder.  As we ran, it rained harder still. The funny thing was that once the emotional shock wore off of running in this bone chilling cold rain (which I would not have done two weeks ago), I was having a blast. I was already wet so who cares, and I was still running. When we were done I was proud of myself and I felt like an athlete. Athletes do that…they run in the rain. Cool.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. JL goes Vegan Says:

    Mmm. It’s both nutritious and comfort-food. Doesn’t get better than that! Such a great idea for a quick and tasty lunch. Thanks!

  2. Sherry Says:

    You will not believe the combo of the Asian Pear and the Almond Butter. It does something magical with the raisin toast. I could enjoy one right now with some hot tea.

  3. julie Says:

    sounds yummy

  4. Sherry Says:

    Julie, I have become addicted to these as an afternoon snack.