6/6 Vegans On The Set

Happy Meatless Monday. It is a perfect sunny day here and I am looking forward to Meatless edibles on the BBQ. Below is a recipe for a no bake, no fuss Summery dessert for tonight or any night.

I would like to say I am sorry for not posting on Saturday and for posting late this morning. The past week I have been extremely low with a death in our family and nearly insane with joy, while filming the promo of our new vegan cooking show yesterday. We have not eaten at home in a week, but have eaten  Lara Bars, trail mix and bruised bananas out of my purse, in the car, and standing over the sink.

Yesterday on set in 12 hours I consumed 3 Vienna Finger Cookies, a dump truck full of trail mix,  a 2 liter of Diet Coke and enough pretzels to satisfy all of Bavaria. It was like being in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean….water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. We cooked and pretended to cook vegan food all day long on camera. It was the most fearful, exhilarating experience I have ever had. It felt like jumping out of a plane naked without a parachute. We have a producer with an entire crew of people that believe we can change the world one meal at a time.

It was the most fun and terrifying thing I have ever done and I cant wait to do it again.

So, I am starting a new week with optimism, especially with the realization that I do not need to beat myself up for missing a day or two of running and not eating our usual whole food based 3 squares a day. My old way…to sabotage and revert to negative self talk and behavior. The new way, release it and move on. Today I have a renewed appreciation for cooking, eating and running. Thank you for allowing me to share it all with you. Enjoy this recipe I found on RawConnect. Coconut, lemon and macadamia??? Yum. Hello Summer.

Coconut Lemon Macadamia Candies

From: Rawconnect.com


1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice

1/2 cup macadamia nuts

1 1/2 tsp shredded coconut

2 tsp agave nectar

Make It Happen

~First, grind up (process) the macadamia nuts until they have the consistency of butter with a few chunky pieces. (I use an electric coffee grinder)

~Mix in bowl with other ingredients and shape into tiny balls.

~Vary lemon zest and lemon juice to taste.  I actually like even more than listed above.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. julie Says:

    cooking show huh what?? Email me and tell me whats going on

  2. Savorique Says:

    Which macadamia nuts did you use? Fresh, roasted or dehydrated?

  3. Sherry Says:

    Hi Savorique, I have not yet made this recipe. It was shared from rawconnect.com. When I do create it I will look for raw macadamias or roasted unsalted.