9/7 Cauliflower Bake

After experiencing one of the hottest Michigan summers I can remember in a long time (loved it), we have had two days of very chilly weather. My mind and belly immediately  leapt into comfort food mode. I started to crave heavy, creamy and cheesy foods like mac and cheese. I was looking for soul satisfying, rib sticking, bubbly hot goodness. Who knew I could find that in a head of cauliflower?

Photo By: S. Duquet

Cauliflower Bake

Makes 2 individual servings. Easily double or triple for more.

By: S. Duquet


1/3 c raw peanuts

2/3 C coconut milk (I used unsweetened original)

1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast

1/8 tsp white pepper

1/8 tsp liquid aminos

2 C chopped cauliflower

Make It Happen

~Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

~Divvy up the cauliflower between your oven safe dishes or place into one casserole dish. I used two 7.5 x 5″ Corning Ware dishes. You can use oven safe ramekins or one larger dish.

~Put all remaining ingredients into food processor or blender and blend until very smooth.

Photo By: S. Duquet

~Pour over cauliflower

~Bake for 35 minutes, stir mixture then bake for an additional 15 minutes

~Enjoy your piping hot, creamy veggie side dish that is doing a pretty stellar impersonation of  a cheesy, gluttonous, regret producing delicacy.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. JL goes Vegan Says:

    I cannot wait to try this recipe! It looks so delicious and comforting!

  2. Sherry Says:

    You are really going to appreciate how simple this is to prepare for the abundance of comfort it provides.