9/8 Vegan Surprise Party

Last night we had  the craziest experience. We were on our way to a gallery opening of a painting exhibit. The party was sponsored by our local Chamber of Commerce. We have attended many business and social events in the past like this one and typically find vegan options are scarce on the appetizer table.  There are always plenty of cocktails (happiness) and opportunities to network with kind and empowered people, but the food is pretty meaty. So on the way there I say to Sandy, ” I hope they have vegan pastries, but I will settle for fruit.”  Sandy chuckled, knowing we both were not expecting anything vegan besides our friendly faces.  Still, as we drove we continued to envision and dream up the vegan appetizers and pastries we wished would be there.

We arrive and are barely through the door when we are bombarded by our friends and the Chamber staff to tell us that almost every single thing on this expansive buffet was vegan. I am talking vegan and raw Green Tea Cheesecake, Pastries as far as the eye can see, Thai rice with fresh basil and mountains of stir fried veggies served in pineapples, fresh rolls and vegan chicken drumsticks and vegan tuna steaks with spicy sauce. What?  I thought perhaps we had died on the way over and that this was vegan  heaven.

The most exciting part was that all of the party goers were going absolutely mad. They were raving about the food…”Did you know this is vegan? This doesn’t have any dairy in it. This isn’t real chicken, can you believe it?” It was like watching a room full of people experience their first Smore. Many of them had never had anything like it.

Out of sheer amazement, gratitude and joy, we had to get the skinny on why this went down like this. Sandy is like a mature Nancy Drew. So, here it is. The owner of the restaurant that did the catering was given creative license. She had just been to a food trade show and had noticed that the exhibitors that were solely sampling meaty foods and products were being passed by. It seemed that all people wanted to see  and taste were the veg options. She said she has begun to work raw and vegan foods into her catering ever since then and it is what the people want…..random acts of vegan catering.

This makes me so happy because we are not really living in a hot bed of veganism. This says to me that if we are seeing random acts of vegan catering then it has spilled over and is running abound through other communities, cities and towns near you. Everyone at the party was enamored with the food. I never heard,” Boy, I sure miss the chicken fingers and mini quiche I have become accustomed to. No. They were like…..”My god have you tasted the Green Tea Cheesecake?” I was on my second helping at that point as I looked up incredulously and said,” No…where is it? I’d love to.”

Kale Trail Update

Long run: 8 Miles

Last Weeks Mileage: 20 Miles

Bouts of positive self esteem followed by moments of near hysteria realizing that I can run 8 miles: Too many to count.

By the end of the month we will reach our mileage cap of 12 miles. That will leave us an additional month to work on our strength, speed and endurance. We are so doing this.

Have a delicious day.

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  1. Shiny Happy Vegan Says:

    That is SO cool!

  2. Amanda Says:

    Sounds amazing! In Dearborn???
    Awesome progress on the running!

  3. Sherry Says:

    I know! It was all catered by Genevieve, the owner of Bangkok 96. We were at Padzieski Art Gallery for the opening of Dearborn Paints Good Food. It is a great exhibit. You should check it out then go to Bangkok 96 for dinner. She made vegan fish steaks and chicken drumsticks. It was very exciting.

    Thank you for your very nice compliment on the running. I am happy and proud of our progress. The miles just continue to build and it gets easier and easier. Amazing.

  4. Sherry Says:

    Shiny Happy Vegan,
    I thought so too. We were still raving about it all day today.

  5. Lisa Nauman Says:

    What an amazing experience, thank you for sharing!!!! So proud of you ladies and your running progress! I started couch potato to 5k last week and lovin it!!! xoxo

  6. Sherry Says:

    Thank you Lisa and congratulations for beginning the Couch Potato to 5k. Here is the link. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    That is the free program that I used three years ago to learn how to run. It gradually took me from a non-runner to a 3 miler completely injury free. Please keep me posted on your progress. I am proud of you for starting. Your body will thank you for doing it so responsibly.