10/12 Soy Happy
Soy Happy is an organization that is dedicated to bringing vegetarian fare to large mainstream venues. They have been instrumental in bringing veg fare to MLB parks all across the country and are now setting their sites on the NFL. My friends at Soy Happy believe as I do that if you offer it, people will choose it. Make it available and easy to find and people will make the veg choice.
Because I absolutely love the work that they do and in honor of my own Detroit Tigers that are tearing up ballparks all over America, I am thrilled to share a guest post that just published for Soy Happy. It is about the joy and exuberance I felt going to the park and enjoying a veggie dog. It is because of the work of Soy Happy that many of us will have that option and opportunity and I am grateful.
Here is the link:
Thank you Tigers for this exciting season.
Have a delicious day.
Detroit Tiger image courtesy of ideal.cards.tripod.com
Tags: 30 day challenge, compassionate eating, going veg, plant based diet, Soy Happy, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan wannabe, vegetarian options in ballparks, veggie dogs