10/8 Fine in Moderation

I found a video floating around Facebook yesterday and it made me laugh out loud. It is a parody of one of the High Fructose Corn Syrup touting  commercials launched by the Corn Refiners Association. You know the one where one mommy calls out another over pouring her children glasses of pink liquid made with HFCS. The mommy in question makes the inquisitive mommy feel like a pariah because corn syrup is “fine in moderation.”  This link will take you to both, the original commercial and the parody. Foodie videos always make me laugh.


Enjoy and have a delicious weekend.

Cool corn Image courtesy of  TheHealthyApron.com.

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  1. b.a.d Says:

    The whitest kids you know did a version of this a while ago, but it was a far less PC. The just of it being racism/nazism was fine in moderation.

    Still those corn syrup ads are crazy.