2/2 The Inspired Vegan-giveaway

Wake Up Weekend introduced us to the bestselling author, chef, food justice activist and charming foodie, Bryant Terry.  You may recognize his name from Vegan Soul Kitchen, Grub or the brand new book, The Inspired Vegan.  His latest cookbook debuted at Wake Up Weekend during his presentation with an afterglow and book signing afterward….all of which were free. As he cooked and spoke we learned more about Terry’s story and his passion and inspiration for cooking.  His vision includes re-imagining what most people recognize as soul food and making it healthier and plant-based.  He shared that being African-American, he is extremely aware that many of the traditional food that is served in his culture is fried, uses an abundance of bacon, butter and rich sauces that are revered as comfort food, but are in reality, helping to spawn heart disease, diabetes and obesity in the African American community at an alarming rate.

Photo By: S. Duquet

This conversation further walked into the connection that many under-privileged families in the community are making poor food choices because that is what they have access to.  Terry uses his food related celebrity to help in the food justice movement, sharing this message and looking for ways to make access to produce and healthy food more equitable for all.

The soiree and book signing  following Terry’s presentation featured several of his dishes, one that became an instant crowd favorite, the Chewy Lemon-Coconut Cookies w/Lemon Icing.  These were like a hybrid of a coconut macaroon and a lemon sugar cookie, iced with lemony joy.  People were clamoring for them at the food stations and it was clear that posturing for a second helping required swift action to scoop another bite before they vanished. I thought about dumping one of the industrial sized trays of  cookies  into my laptop bag but that would not have been very courteous or vegany.

Photo By: S. Duquet

While at Wake Up Weekend we had the privilege of meeting the event organizers Matt and Susan. On the day of Bryant Terry’s presentation, they were hosting a VIP reception for Bryant at their home. Early that afternoon, before the talk and book signing we got to help Susan prepare the food for Bryant Terry’s cocktail party!!! It was very exciting.

We worked on a salsa dish featuring  jicama, then I broke away into the living room with another friend to prepare gift baskets for the winners of the vegan Chili-Cook-Off the following night, of which Byant Terry was one of the celebrity judges.  It was so cool.
We chipped in with various prepping duties for several hours and felt fortunate to have assisted in getting food ready for this gathering with so many leaders of food activism and enthusiasts.  I felt like a rock star sous chef. After prepping vegan edibles it was off to a vegan potluck, then back to the Bryant Terry cocktail party. Yay! Vegan heaven!

The party was intimate and comfortable with a succulent array of vegan food and vintage inspired cocktails. What a strange and magnificent day.

I have a sensational surprise for you. I have been given permission to share two recipes from the brand new Inspired Vegan. Don’t be crazy….of course I am sharing the frenzy inducing cookie recipe and I will do a second one soon.  In the meantime, they have also sent me a copy of The Inspired Vegan to give away to one lucky Exploits reader.

Enter for a chance to Win a copy of  The Inspired Vegan:

~Please comment on the Exploits blog or on our Exploits Facebook from now through Saturday, Feb 11th and tell us your favorite comfort food.  We’ll randomly draw from the entries and announce the winner on Monday, Feb 13th.

Tomorrow I will share the Chewy Lemon-Coconut Cookie recipe and you will not believe how inspired it truly is.
Have a delicious day.
Inspired Vegan image courtesy of www.Phillyfoodforthought.com

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  1. Cadry Says:

    That sounds like a very cool event! These days my favorite comfort food is soup. There’s something very soothing about hot lentil soup on a cold day.

  2. Kiki Says:

    oh I want that book!!! ok, my favorite comfort food is ice cream ( vegan ice cream: Turtle trails)

  3. Anna Says:

    Sounds like a great book ! Love to win it

  4. Karmalily Says:

    I love a good heap of vegan mashed potatoes with a really hearty gravy, served alongside some kale. Definitely my favorite comfort food.

  5. nik Says:

    What an exciting experience you had…I’m so happy for you!
    My life-long comfort food has always been a generous bowl of right-off-the-stove supergarlicky pasta. I don’t eat pasta very often…usually I stick with healthier grains like quinoa, by if I’m sick or down or just need a sensory snuggle, nothing else really does it like the smells of the sauce and pasta cooking, the heat of a big steaming bowl in my curled up lap and the soul-satisfying taste of pasta a la Mama. :)

  6. Anna Says:

    My fave comfort food is a big bowl of oatmeal!

  7. flora brown Says:

    a thick chocolate milkshake – with p.b. and banana.

  8. Cat Says:

    Fave comfort food is oatmeal with peanut butter!

  9. Melissa Says:

    My fave comfort food is vegan lasagna. Yum!

  10. Amanda Says:

    Favorite comfort food? Spaghetti, warm garlic bread, and a glass of red wine – enjoyed with my husband. :)

  11. Connie Says:

    I made a batch of 13 bean soup this week and was it yummy! Lots of onion and fresh garlic is the key for me!