5/21 Memorial Day Menus
Happy Meatless Monday. I thought it would be fun to share two completely different menus for Memorial Day planning. This way, you will have plenty of time to shop and incorporate some vegan dishes for your Memorial Day celebrations. Because our gardens are not yet in full swing, you may need to purchase produce or fresh herbs for some of the recipes.

Keeping it Cool Menu
Chilled Sweet Pea Bisque w/Minted Cream Sauce
Red Kale and Tamari Walnut Salad
Raw Vanilla Bean Cheesecake w/Summer Melon
Photo By: S. Duquet
Welcome Summer Menu
Roasted Summer Veggie Salad w/Crave-able Croutons
Hope these two menu collections makes it easy for you to have a fun and tasty Memorial Day Celebration.
Meatless Monday image courtesy of LiberationBC.org
Have a delicious day.
Tags: 30 day challenge, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Meatless Monday, Memorial Day menus, plant based diet, plant strong, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan dessert, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan Memorial Day menu, vegan picnic menu, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe, vegetarian Memorial Day menu