4/21 VegFest

Today is VegFest in metro Detroit and we are planning to be at the doors when they open.  It is one of many such Veg Festivals around the country and I feel excited and proud that each year, the crowd gets bigger than the last.  Several years back, VegFest moved from inside a high school to one of the largest convention facilities in the area, as it continues to expand with growing  interest in plant-based living.


VegFest is planned and hosted by VegMichigan, a statewide non-profit organization committed to awareness and education about the benefits from the many aspects of a vegan lifestyle.   Here is a synopsis from their website about VegFest:

“The event will feature talks by some of the nation’s foremost experts on plant-based nutrition, cooking demonstrations, children’s activities, and a food court featuring delicious options from local restaurants, bakeries, caterers, and food companies. Also included will be national brand samples, eco-friendly products, cruelty-free fashion, door prizes, literature, cookbooks and more. All vegan, of course! ”

One of our favorite presenters is John Salley, former NBA star and Detroit Piston great, who has a wonderful way of sharing about why he practices a vegan lifestyle.   Talking from his 7 foot plus athletic frame, it is hard to refute that world class athletes can be fueled successfully on a plant based diet.  He is engaging and Salley-Photo-200x300funny in an unsuspecting fashion, including tales of inviting his resistant mother-in-law to try more veg options on the table.   It is refreshing to think that he is just like anyone else, regardless of his celebrity status.

There are many others in the line-up of presenters from comedy to nutritional  and everything in between.  There are samples from national food chain and cooking demonstrations throughout the day.  A non-profit section for animal advocacy is a favorite area as well, with a local farm sanctuary, animal shelters and national animal welfare societies on hand to share about current events and educational outreach.

If you have the opportunity to visit a Veg festival near you, it is well worth the time to stop in.  Please let me know if you have been. What was your favorite part besides the samples of course.

Have a delicious day.



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  1. TeeGee Says:

    As a committed vegan and animal rights campaigner living in a carnivore world, I am so grateful to have your blog to turn to. Bless you so much, keep up the good work, where would we all be without youxxx

  2. Sherry Says:

    Your kindness has made my heart swell. Reading comments like this fuels my desire to continue writing as it helps to quiet a frequent visitor Self Doubt. Thank you for reading and for sharing.