7/24 Blackfish

Until I became vegan I had not thought about whether or not the circus, Sea World or zoos were humane. They were places you went  to be entertained, which feels pretty benign. The idea of keeping wild animals in captivity and training them to do tricks did not feel cruel; it didn’t really enter my mind at all. That is one of the things that has been so surprising and interesting about this vegan journey. Seeing things that have always seemed ordinary, that are actually quite inhumane for the very first time.

These things have been in front of me throughout my entire life, I have not seen them until now. I could have allowed that to make me feel bad or continue to normalize things that I now know are cruel and senseless like the treatment of farm animals or animals kept in captivity for entertainment.  I see them more clearly now and have decided that those things do not add to my life.  I don’t have to  participate in activities, foods or experiences that are cruel and unnecessary. Likewise, it is possible for me to share information to help others see them more clearly or for the very first time as well. It is never too late to make a compassionate choice.

I just found out about this project and wanted to share.  The movie is called “Blackfish.” It chronicles the career of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau who was killed in 2010 by an Orca whale.  The film raises the question of whether or not killer whales have a place in a them park.

According to this story by Breeanna Hare for CNN:

To unravel what happened between the 12,000 pound Tilikum and Brancheau, Cowperthwaite also takes us through the 39-year history of orcas in captivity. Although Brancheau’s story is at the heart of the film, “Blackfish” also shows more generally the dangers of working with orcas and their majestic beauty and intelligence.

Another poignant perspective:

“For anyone who has ever questioned the humaneness of keeping wild animals in captivity and training them to perform tricks for food, this will be trenchant, often harrowing stuff,” The Hollywood Reporter said in its Sundance review. “Perhaps even more so for those who have never considered the issue.”

Here is a link to the Blackfish trailer. The trailer alone will leave you cold, wondering how we ever normalized using live animals as entertainment. Here is a link to Blackfish openings across the country.  I hope you can find one in your town. I can’t wait to see it in mine.

Every single day we have the option to make new decisions. We can be open to information that may be contrary to what we have always known or thought. We can decide not to support places that use animals as entertainment such as the circus or SeaWorld. There are so many other places to find fun and engaging things to do. We have the opportunity to see things in a new way, a more compassionate way and that is beneficial for all of us.

Have a delicious day.



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