Last night as I was perusing my new LARABAR Fall Newsletter I saw that they had partnered with Green America for project Green Halloween. Among other details, they were of course recommending that you hand out LARABAR minis to your trick-or-treaters. Andy yes, I would don a costume for that. Okay, I’ll bite, what […]
Tags: compassionate eating, compassionate products, Corey Colwell-Lipson, exploits of a vegan wannabe, Green America, Green Halloween, green Halloween ideas, green Halloween treats, organic Halloween treats, vegan Halloween, vegan wannabe
I recently picked up the Guide to Veg Living which is a free mini magazine created for Veg For life, a Farm Sanctuary campaign. It is a complimentary, mini magazine that has tips and tricks for the vegan wannabe. Inside I found a recipe for Phenomenal French Toast. I thought…wow, they are really confident about […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Farm Sanctuary, plant based diet, Veg for Life, Veg Living, vegan breakfast, vegan brunch, vegan entree, Vegan French Toast, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, veganize French toast
In a few weeks Sandy and I will be participating in our local Walk For Farm Animals event to benefit Farm Sanctuary. They host walks all over the country from September 8th to November 3rd to support the work they do caring for and rescuing farm animals. In addition to their sanctuary in Watkins Glen, […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Farm Sanctuary, fundraiser walk, vegan experience, vegan wannabe, Walk for Farm Animals
I have always loved Fig Newtons. Their sponge cake meets shortbread attitude and unapologetic lack of sweetness have captivated me since childhood. I have loved them long before I knew a fig was a fruit. I thought it was a filling. A few days ago I purchased what looked like a small suitcase of fresh […]
Tags: compassionate eating, fresh fig bars, oil free dessert recipe, plant based diet, raw fig bars, raw food recipe, raw snacks, raw vegan desserts, vegan dessert recipe, vegan fig bars, vegan snacks, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. In July I shared that I had found a new vegan dog food by Halo pet foods. Here is a link to the original post. In the past I had given quite a bit of thought to switching Chloe to a vegan diet but frankly, was nervous. I don’t know anything about […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Halo, Halo Pets, Halo vegan dog food, Kale Trail, Kale Trail update, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, vegan dog food, vegan dog treat recipe, vegan dog treats, vegan wannabe
Last night I read the most gratifying article from VegNews online. It was an article talking about why for the first time since World War II, meat consumption is on a steady decline. The numbers are actually staggering. According to Paul Shapiro of VegNews, over the last five years, meat consumption has dropped by 12.2 […]
Tags: compassionate eating, meat consumption declining, Meatless Monday, Paul Shapiro, plant based diet, vegan wannabe, VegNews
Thank you for posting and commenting on the Exploits blog and Facebook page to be a part of the No Beast Feast ticket giveaway. Dalal A. is the winner of the 2 tix and she and a guest will be joining us to the festive affair this Friday night. If you are in the metro […]
Tags: Bangkok 96 Thai Restaurant, compassionate eating, Inn Season Cafe, No Beast Feast, plant based diet, Seva, trying vegan, vegan dinner, vegan experience, vegan wannabe, vegetarian dinner, vegetarian fundraiser
As a culinary instructor, blog writer and food demonstrator, I am frequently asked about whether or not I consume or avoid soy and soy products. When I first went vegan, my sister sent me countless articles about why I should never, ever eat soy. I have to admit, because of the onslaught of conflicting information […]
Tags: compassionate eating, PCRM, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, plant based diet, soy, soy for health, soy intake, soy products, vegan wannabe
Yesterday on they had the most ingenious post. It was a round-up of meatless recipes for back to school. I decided this sounded like fun and I wanted to play along, so I did the same with some tried and true easy Exploits recipes. I chose ten of my favorite meals that are easy […]
Tags: back to school recipes, compassionate eating, dairy free, Dearborn animal shelter, easy vegan recipes, going veg, meatless meal recipes, Meatless Meals, meatless recipes, No Beast Feast, plant based diet, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. I love breakfast. Breakfast welcomes you to the day, it energizes your sleepy body and feeds your brain so you can be inspired and effective. One of the most common questions I have heard since becoming vegan has been, “If you don’t eat eggs, then what do you eat for breakfast?” It is […]
Tags: breakfast scramble, compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, scrambled tofu, tofu scramble, vegan breakfast, vegan scrambled eggs, vegan wannabe, western scramble