Next Friday we are having a soiree for Chloe’s fourth birthday. She has a party every year complete with parting gifts and pupcakes for attendees to take home for their own canine loved ones. Sandy and I have planned a fab vegan menu and are looking forward to celebrating the birthday of our beloved […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Ellen DeGeneres' dog food line, Halo, Halo vegan dog food, plant based diet, trying vegan, vegan dog food, vegan wannabe
Day nine of my fifteen day fruit/veg fast and I have some observations to share. The past four days of all juicing have been significantly more difficult than I had even imagined. I had no idea how much of my daily joy is wrapped up with talking about, thinking about, planning, preparing and enjoying meals. […]
Tags: compassionate eating, juice fast, juicing, lessons from fasting, plant based diet, vegan wannabe
I read this breaking news on the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine (PCRM) website and thought it was too important not to share. This is such a hopeful and positive step toward helping our children live better and healthier lives. It will also serve to educate and inform anyone that is unaware of the ill […]
Tags: adverse effects of dairy, compassionate eating, dairy free, ill effects of dairy products, PCRM petition, petition to remove milk from required food, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
Yesterday, on day two of the 15 day Re-boot Juice Fast, I made the closest thing I could find that could replicate a tortilla chip. In twenty four hours I went from brand new and excited juice faster to,” Oh my god if I don’t dip something into something and eat it, I am going […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, Reboot your life, vegan, vegan appetizer, vegan snacks, vegan wannabe, vegetarian appetizer, vegetarian snacks
Happy Meatless Monday and Day One of the 15 Day Juice Fast. I have two updates to share and the most insane shopping list you have ever seen. Kale Trail Update We have been running in the most extreme heat ever and I am mostly loving it. It makes it more difficult to breath, but […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, juice fast, Kale Trail update, Meatless Monday, Notes from the Juicer, plant based diet, vegan, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. I have an all natural, inexpensive and incrediblly easy snack to share. My favorite kind. I do food demos at an in-store kitchen where I work. Because I engage in conversations with strangers about food all day…I hear things, lots of things about food that can sound crazy, disgusting, intriguing and delicious. […]
Tags: compassionate eating, homemade popcorn, homemade popcorn in microwave, Meatless Monday, microwave popcorn, organic popcorn, plant based diet, popcorn, trying vegan, vegan snack, vegan wannabe
I have the most exciting news. You may now Subscribe to receive the latest Exploits post in your inbox. The new Subscribe function is on the right menu bar on the Home page, just enter your email address and that’s all. Your email is safe with me. I will never share, spam or abuse it. […]
Tags: cashew cream dessert recipe, dairy free, dairy free dessert recipe, exploits of a vegan wannabe, Pistachio tarts with lemon cream and netarines, raw dessert recipe, sugar free dessert recipe, vegan dessert, vegan lemon cream, vegan tarts, vegan wannabe
Photo caption: Chloe enjoying Summer Exploits wishes you and your family a happy, safe and fun Fourth. Get your veg dog on, play in the sun and enjoy some coconut milk ice cream with people you adore. Come back Friday for the most exciting news and a recipe for an easy raw dessert with […]
Tags: fourth of July, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. To honor Meatless Monday, I thought it would be fun to share four chilled soup options to enjoy this fourth of July holiday or anytime this summer. Here are some favorites that are easy to make and celebrate fruits and vegetables that abundant this time of year. Any one of them could […]
Tags: black bean gazpacho, chilled soup, chilled squash and melon soup, chilled sweet pea bisgue, compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, gazpacho, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, vegan entertaining, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan soup, vegan wannabe, vegetarian soup, Watermelon Gazpacho