The peas are the star in this dish. Each ingredient was chosen for its willingness to honor and glorify the Spring Pea. This dish is light and airy with the authority of a complete meal. I think you are going to love this with any type of pea…fresh or frozen. Have a delicious day.
Tags: compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, Engine 2 friendly recipes, fresh pea recipes, garlic scape recipes, going veg, oil free recipes, plant strong, Spring peas recipes, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan wannabe
Photo By: S. Duquet This past week we received a “mystery ingredient” in our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share from Living Stones Farm. We recognized it as a very prevalent plant, but seldom one that is consumed. It was Purslane, a leggy-looking sprout with small leaves. Most of us consider it a weed, because it […]
Tags: 30 day challenge, compassionate eating, cooking with purslane, dairy free, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, purslane, purslane salad, trying vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe
I can not pinpoint when I began to love ice cream as much as I do. Perhaps I was born with this deep love of frozen confections. I was after all born in February in Michigan, when all things are suspended in ice. Ever since I realized I love to cook (circa two years ago […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Dark chocolate coffee ice cream with hazelnuts, ice cream machine recipe, ice cream maker recipe, plant based diet, trying vegetarian, vegan dark chocolate coffee ice cream with hazelnuts, vegan dessert, vegan experience, vegan frozen dessert, vegan ice cream machine recipes, vegan ice cream recipes, vegan wannabe
Last week at work a customer asked me if we had Elbow Macaroni. I walked her to the pasta aisle to investigate. We did not, but in the brief moment of that exchange, I began to crave Elbow Macaroni Tuna Salad. You know the one….standard with mayo, celery and peas. The craving was strong as […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Engine 2 friendly recipes, exploits of a vegan wannabe, going veg, plant based diet, plant strong, vegan challenge, vegan lunch recipes, vegan picnic recipes, vegan recipe, vegan Tuna Macaroni Salad, vegan wannabe
In our garden last year, we planted more herbs and vegetables than I have ever dared put in the ground in my life. We were even in an heirloom seed trial and planted heirloom seeds for three types of cukes and at least that many tomato varietals, multiple peppers and an array of herbs. In […]
Tags: compassionate eating, garden, going veg, herb garden, plant based diet, plant strong, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan wannabe, vegetable garden
Happy Meatless Memorial Day friends. Hope you had a memorable weekend with people you love. This weekend we experienced the most glorious and unexpected heat wave. Because heat waves require chilled soup….Sandy made her Soon-To-Be-World-Famous Black Bean Gazpacho. You will want to have some chilling the next time the sun in your town is blazing […]
Tags: black bean gazpacho, compassionate eating, dairy free, gazpacho, going veg, Meatless Monday, plant based diet, plant strong, trying vegan, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian side dish
This week our refrigerator chilled its last piece of kale. The freezer went first without warning, followed by the fridge several hours later. By the time I got home from work it was making a groaning noise not compatible with kitchen appliances. As is usually the case with major appliance malfunction, I had already invited […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Julies Organic, Julies Organic Vanilla Almond Dipped BArs, plant based diet, vegan dessert, vegan experience, vegan ice cream review, vegan ice cream vegan review, vegan wannabe
I am being held captive by the most enchanting novel. I am enjoying it so much that I wanted to share. It is called The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. It is lilting in its beauty and profound in its concept. The narrator of our story is a nine year old named […]
Tags: Aimee Bender, compassionate eating, foodie book review, tasting emotion in food, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. I thought it would be fun to share two completely different menus for Memorial Day planning. This way, you will have plenty of time to shop and incorporate some vegan dishes for your Memorial Day celebrations. Because our gardens are not yet in full swing, you may need to purchase produce or […]
Tags: 30 day challenge, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Meatless Monday, Memorial Day menus, plant based diet, plant strong, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan dessert, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan Memorial Day menu, vegan picnic menu, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe, vegetarian Memorial Day menu
A few months ago I read about an organization called Girls On The Run and fell in love. Taken straight from their site, “Girls on the Run is a life-changing, experiential learning program for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. […]
Tags: Girls on The Run, plant based diet, raising self esteem, self esteem, vegan experience, vegan wannabe, Women's Half Marathon