The other night we were planning to BBQ corn, veggie dogs and eggplant. It was a warm and sunny day and I had been waiting for our Grill-Fest all day. When we pulled out the veggie dogs and were getting them ready for the grill, we realized that we didn’t have any buns. Darn. […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, homemade baked beans, plant based diet, plant strong, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan baked beans, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe
A few years ago while visiting Sandy’s parents in the South we went to a tiny restaurant called The Fickle Pickle. Their shining star is the fried green tomato sandwich. At the time, tomatoes topped my list of food foes. But here I was, given the opportunity to taste a historically amazing sandwich with a […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Fried green tomato sandwiches, going veg, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan experience, vegan fried green tomato sandwiches, vegan recipe, vegan Summer food, vegan wannabe, vegetarian fried green tomato sandwiches, vegetarian recipe
With the summer movie season preparing to launch into full swing, I look forward to seeing new releases and some old favorites sprinkled in the mix. Today I saw this list of recommended picks on VegNews and wanted to share. It is the top 10 Vegan movies to see, compiled through a poll of their […]
Tags: compassionate eating, compassionate movies, going veg, Top 10 vegan movies, trying vegan, Veg News, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan movies, vegan wannabe
A few days ago a friend of ours gave us a package of the most sensational Blackberries. They were so good in fact that I wanted to do something special with them. I knew immediately that they wanted to be with lemon. I found an incredibly tasty and easy recipe for a lemon, tofu pie […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Ginger Lemon Cream pie, going veg, lemon ginger pie, plant based diet, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan dessert recipe, vegan lemon cream pie, vegan pie recipe, vegan wannabe
Some things are more impactful when put to music then simply shared in written words. This one and a half minute video totally cracked us up, I hope it does you too. Thank you Rip from The Engine 2 Diet for the link. This is the perfect way to start a delicious day.
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, I Like Vegetables video, plant based diet, trying vegan, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
Most days I leave for work at 6am. That means my lunch is made everyday between 4-5 am when inspiration may still be asleep. The other morning we were also dealing with a pretty bare cupboard. Out of necessity, sleep deprivation and an urgency of time, we came up with the Almond Butter, Asian Pear […]
Tags: almond butter, Almond Butter & Asian Pear Sammy, asian pear recipe, compassionate eating, dairy free, exploits of a vegan wannabe, Ezekial raisin bread, going veg, plant based diet, raisin bread almond butter, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan lunch ideas, vegan wannabe, vegetarian lunch ideas
I found a new favorite snack from a company called Kaia Foods. It is organic, sprouted sunflower seeds in various flavors; I have tried and loved both the Sweet Curry and Teriyaki but they have several, including Cocoa Mole. Yum. Last night I sprinkled some of the Teriyaki onto our biggie salad and it added […]
Tags: compassionate products, dairy free, exploits of a vegan wannabe, going veg, healthy snacks, Kaia Foods, Kaia Foods review, Kaia sunflower seeds, plant based diet, sprouted sunflower seeds, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan product review, vegan products, vegan review, vegan snacks, vegan wannabe, vegetarian transition
This weekend we had the most wonderful time at a huge outdoor market. We found gorgeous produce, local foods and a new-to-us treasure, yellow-eyed peas. They are as beautiful and unique looking as their black counterparts but appear to have been touched by gold. I had never seen these before and was very intrigued. We […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Golden Sun Soup, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, the Kale Trail, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan bean soup, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan soup, vegan soup recipe, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetarian bean soup, vegetarian transition, yellow eyed peas, yellow split peas
The funniest thing happened yesterday. It is the kind of thing that makes you shake your head and think, “I could not have made this up. It is too random.” So here is the set up. Yesterday was running day and by the time I had time to run, I had already put in an […]
Tags: compassionate eating, going veg, plant based diet, the Kale Trail Update, trying vegan, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan transition, vegan wannabe
A few days ago at the store where I work, I rang up a Carrot Cake for a customer and thought, yum. I would love to eat you if you were vegan, made without oil and a more compassionate version of yourself. So, that day I decided to take it a step further and invite […]
Tags: carrot cake oatmeal, compassionate eating, dairy free, dairy free carrot cake oatmeal, going veg, plant based diet, slow cooker breakfast recipe, trying vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan brunch recipe, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian brunch, vegetarian recipe