I have worked at Trader Joe’s (an inexpensive gourmet food store) since November. In that time, I have been introduced to many fruits and vegetables that I have never seen before. One of the most recent ones is Baby Kiwi. I had never heard of these little gems until a week ago. Since then I […]
Tags: Baby Kiwi, Boutique Fruit, compassionate eating, dairy free, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, plant based diet, plant strong, trader joes, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan transition, vegan wannabe
Yesterday we tried a new breakfast edible and loved it so much I wanted to share. They are Breakfast Patties from the Sunshine Burger Company. These breakfast burgers are all organic patties crafted from beans, rice and seeds. They are nutritionally packed flavor bombs that are easy to make (just heat it up) and are […]
Tags: compassionate eating, compassionate products, dairy free, dairy free cheese, going veg, Hemp-fest Breakfast, Hemp-fest Patties, plant based diet, Sunshine Breakfast Patties, Sunshine Burgers, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan brunch, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan product review, vegan products, vegan transition, vegan wannabe
Becoming vegan has encouraged very strange things to happen to my taste buds. Foods that I have both feared and loathed since birth are now regulars on the shopping list. I have never enjoyed tofu larger than a crumble or in a smoothie and now I am scarfing it down fresh, baked as fish sticks, sauteed […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, plant based diet, Rip Esselstyn, tofu steaks, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan transition, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. Who needs eggs, oil or dairy products of any kind to make a stunning dessert? Not us. Here is the most amazing dessert to whip up and share with your most beloved. It is compassionate, oil free and joy full. I love to make and consume desserts. This is really a new […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, dark chocolate raspberry brownies, E2 dessert, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, no oil brownies, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan dessert, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe
I’m back, hopefully with all of my dental woes behind me. It is really a challenge to prepare and enjoy vegetables when you can’t chew. Let the heavy chewing commence in a few days! Kale, be very afraid. Lately I have been noshing (read slurping or sucking) on alot of smoothies and looking forward to […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Disease Proof, Dr. Furhman, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, plant based diet, plant strong, Rip Esselstyn, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetarian transition
It’s Sandy stepping in to share a little recipe lovin’ with you. Sherry had a root canal and is currently sleeping through a pain medicine induced state of bliss. Perhaps there is irony in a food blogger not being able to chew, just a funny little universal joke. She’ll be back in full swing […]
Tags: 30 day challenge, compassionate eating, curry, going veg, mung beans, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan curry, vegan entree, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetable curry, vegetarian recipe
Yesterday as I was sitting down to my computer I was thinking,” I should look for a recipe for an Irish Soda bread. That would really be fun to make.” I uploaded my new emails and there it was, an email from VegNews that said “Irish Soda Bread recipe”. Evidently, I was channeling the luck […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Irish Soda Bread recipe, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan brunch, vegan entertaining, vegan experience, vegan Irish recipe, vegan irish soda bread, vegan products, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian brunch, vegetarian Irish recipe, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian transition
Before the vegan challenge I had pizza nearly once a week. We had it delivered from our local joint. It was amazing…dripping with garlic butter crust and topped with veggies and olives. I also ordered a greek salad and cheezy bread sticks that I would dip in ranch dressing. It was one of my […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan pizza, vegan recipe Nature's Hilights, vegan transition, vegan wannabe
The other night I found a recipe in the Engine 2 book that I wanted to try. It was an incredibly simple meal of a baked sweet potato, a side of steamed greens with a cashew sauce and a roasted pepper. It felt like an austere meal fit for a monk or a practicing yogi. […]
Tags: cashew tamari sauce, compassionate eating, dairy free, E2 Diet, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, kale with cashew sauce, plant based diet, produce, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan brunch, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian brunch, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian side dish, vegetarian transition
Happy Meatless Monday. I have the perfect snack, breakfast or brunch food to add to your compassionate edibles repertoire. These muffins are an easy way to enjoy a tasty nibble that is easy to make and nice to have in the house. The E2 Mighty Muffins that I made a week ago or so have […]
Tags: compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, E2 muffins, Engine 2 Diet, going veg, Meatless Monday recipe, Meatless Mondays, oil free muffins, plant based diet, savory brunch mufins, Savory muffins, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan brunch, vegan challenge, vegan entertaining, vegan experience, vegan mffins, vegan recipe, vegan transition, vegan vegie muffins, vegan wannabe, vegetarian brunch, vegetarian recipe