We are travelling right now in Toronto, Canada for a funeral. We were visiting with family and planning to go out to dinner with Sandy’s parents and five members of her extended family, including three children under the age of 8. As I sat in our room gulping gin and tonics I thought,”Where in the world are we going […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan travel, vegan wannabe
I believe in signs and cues, an inner feeling, a knowing, a dream that repeats or a topic that comes up randomly in multiple conversations. I strive to listen with more than my ears and act on it when I know how. This openness has not let me down. Oddly enough, this continues to happen […]
Tags: apple cider vinegar, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, compassionate eating, dairy free, drinking apple cider vinegar, Earth Clinic, going veg, health benefits of ACV, health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, natural healing, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan products, vegan wannabe
Sandy and I both love to cook. We adore pouring through cook books page by page seeking new recipes to fall in love with. We love to scour outdoor markets for the most gorgeous ingredients we can find for our new creations. Reality….we are also running two businesses, writing a blog, running Project Produce and […]
Tags: asian broccoli slaw salad, broccoli slaw, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, raw cashews, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan brunch, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe
We are lovers of breakfast so I am always looking for new ways to energize the day. The mornings in Michigan are beginning to get chilly which immediately makes me crave oatmeal and all things warm. I decided to cook instant brown rice with milk and fruit because that sounds delicious and easy to me. […]
Tags: blueberries, brown rice hot breakfast, brown rice recipe, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe
Kombucha Tea update I shared our first Kombucha experience with you in the Kombucha Tea post. Our first bottle was a gift so we had not purchased it ourselves yet. Since then we had decided that we wanted to incorporate it into our routine and see how we felt after a few weeks. We took […]
Tags: animal lover book review, compassionate eating, David Dosa M.D., Kombucha Tea, Kombucha Tea pulled, Kombucha Tea recall, Making Rounds With Oscar, Oscar the cat, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
Over the past four months of this vegan experience, I have become significantly more aware of what I am eating. I read every label like a forensic scientist. We prepare most of our meals at home with more organic and local vegetables than I have ever purchased in the past. I love experiencing these transformations […]
Tags: being present, blessing your meal, compassionate eating, Dr. Frank Richelieu, expressing gratitude, going veg, gratitude, trying vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
I have recognized a very interesting phenomenon of the vegan challenge. Long held tastes for foods have begun to change dramatically. Just this past weekend I began to believe that this was note worthy after a friend of ours shared that she too had dramatic changes in her taste after going vegan. I was born […]
Tags: compassionate eating, cooking with herbs, dairy free, eggplant medallions, eggplant rustica, going veg, green zebra tomato, heirloom tomatoes, Italian Salsa, Tom Wagner, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe, vegetarian eggplant recipe, vegetarian recipe
Just when I thought I could not love them more…Sunflower Greens have blown my mind again with their tastiness. Throughout the week when I was only consuming all things liquid (tooth thing), I was putting all things potentially blendable into my Ninja smoothie maker. We had Sunflower Greens in the fridge from the farmers market. […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, dairy free protein smoothie, going veg, high protein smoothie, sunflower green smoothie, sunflower greens, sunflower sprouts, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan smoothie, vegan wannabe
I shared with you the fun experience I had at our local coffee house with the vegan curious, excited barista. She made me feel like a giver of knowledge…a vegan role model for the next generation. Okay, maybe I had consumed too much soy, but her curiosity and willingness to just ask made me so […]
Tags: compassionate eating, going veg, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetarian transition
The other day we tried a recipe that I found in the Sept issue of Family Circle magazine. The recipe was meaty and full of dairy products, but that didn’t stop us. Sandy said, “Anything you can do, I can do better with soy.” The finished soup tasted so undeniably like a baked potato that […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Family Circle, Family Circle Magazine, going veg, No Beast Feast, potato soup, trying vegan, vegan, vegan baked potato soup, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan potato soup, vegan recipe, vegan soup, vegan wannabe, vegetarian soup