I have shared with you my love of roasting all things roastable. Sunday has become my roasting day of choice. As I am doing other things like computer work, making jewelry and photographing food, the oven is creating the most succulent, roasted ingredients you have ever seen. We use those ingredients for many meals throughout […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, local marinara sauce, local vegetables, marinara sauce, roasted seasonal vegetables, roasted vegetable marinara sauce, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe
Sunflower Greens are my new addiction. When they are in the house I eat them all. When they are gone, I think about them and wish there were more. Eating a sandwich without them is like PB without J. You wouldn’t do it unless you had a an impeccable replacement. I was introduced to them […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, growing sunflower sprouts, sprouting, sprouts, sunflower greens, sunflower sprouts, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan products, vegan wannabe
Last night I joined a vegan Meetup. I have never done anything like that, I don’t even have my own cell phone. I have always held this preconceived notion about Meetup groups. I thought you were required to be single or extroverted or a dazzling conversationalist. I don’t know what I thought. I am making […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, meeting vegans, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan Meetups, vegan wannabe
The most amazing plums are in season right now at our farmers market. They look like miniature plums because they are even smaller than the already small plum. If they didn’t have pits in them you could easily pop three in your mouth at a time. I have not verified this. They are insanely sweet […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Michigan plums, plum bake, plum crumble, plum season, seasonal dessert, seasonal plum walnut crumble, trying vegan, vegan challenge, vegan dessert, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe
It has been the most amazing Michigan summer I can ever remember. It has been scorching and sunny and the sky has perpetually been the most dramatic hue of blue. For me it has been the best days of the very best season. One of my favorite things about summer is craving salads. I love […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, Glacier Park Pink Soup, going veg, the art of good food, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan bean salad, vegan challenge, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan lunch salad, vegan products, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe
Ever since I found out about Chia Seeds and their gift of Omega 3’s, I have been seeking out additional information about Omegas. I still have questions. I have learned that it isn’t enough to be consuming the “correct” amount of Omega rich foods…are you getting the correct ratio of 3’s and 6’s? What are […]
Tags: chia seeds, Christine Harrell, dairy free, Ellies Grains, flax seed oil, going veg, microalgae oil, omega 3's, Omega fatty acids, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan wannabe, Women to Women
Over the weekend we splurged on a box of new veggie burgers, Amy’s Quarter Pound Veggie Burgers. They are organic, vegan and crafted with non-GMO (genetically modified organisms) ingredients. I put them in the cart feeling more skeptical than optimistic. What could they possibly do to this thing that hasn’t already been done? They are more […]
Tags: Amy's organics, Amy's quarter pounder, Amy's veggie burgers, compassionate eating, compassionate products, dairy free, going veg, trying vegetarian, vegan burger, vegan burger review, vegan experience, vegan products, vegan quarter pounder, vegan wannabe, veggie burger
A wonderful friend of ours gave us a bottle of Kombucha Tea to experience so I brought it out at Movie Night. When you bill an evening at your home as “Mind Expanding,” I feel like you should deliver. I opened the bottle and immediately smelled the sediment filled liquid. It is my thing…I am […]
Tags: buy local, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Kombucha, Kombucha Tea, SCOBY, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, Unity Vibration Kombucha tea, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan products, vegan wannabe
Wesnesday night was Mind Expanding Movie Night at our house. We rented the documentary Food Inc. Everyone in attendance thought the movie was riveting from beginning to end. It tells the grim tale of where our food is really coming from and who is in charge of quality control. The movie grabs you and won’t […]
Tags: cheese less pizza, compassionate eating, Food Inc, Kombucha Tea, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan movie night, vegan wannabe
Here are some quick food updates from earlier posts along with an idea for your next evening “in” with friends. First, updates on some of the items I promised to try and share more. Daiya cheese: The review I did earlier (5/21) of Daiya cheese was on the Cheddar, which I really like. I like the […]
Tags: chia seeds, compassionate eating, dairy free, Food inc. Daiya cheese, going veg, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan products, vegan wannabe