While spending time in Atlanta it became an obsession to find authentic Georgia pecans. As someone that loves to bake and has a passion for pecans, I could not leave the holy land of pecans without having experienced them first hand. We went to a store called Burgers Farm Fresh Fruit Market in Marietta. It […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, egg free pecan pie, non-dairy pecan pie, plant based diet, trying vegan, vegan dessert, vegan pecan pie, vegan pie, vegan wannabe
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods. They are overachievers in that they can be both sweet and savory, decadent and healing. They are bright orange, signifying that they contain an abundance of nutrients and they are so inexpensive. I enjoy them for breakfast in my muffins and for dinner in my lasagna. They […]
Tags: exploits of a vegan wannabe, healthy dessert, Meatless Monday recipe, Mini sweet potato pistachio pies, vegan dessert recipes, vegan pie, vegan sweet potato pie, vegan sweet potato pistachio pie, vegan wannabe
One thing I have been missing since venturing vegan is the really deep, rich peanut buttery flavor of my favorite Peanut Butter Chocolate ice cream. The dairy free varieties are scrumptious and I have been enjoying them every chance I get, but I have secretly been pining away for the kind of peanut butter/chocolate experience […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free chocolate peanut butter banana pie, going veg, peanut butter chocolate banana pie, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan baking, vegan baking.net, vegan challenge, vegan dessert, vegan experience, vegan peanut butter and chocolate pie, vegan pie, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe