Happy Meatless Monday. I have found that making one dish that we can enjoy several times makes it much easier to eat healthy, meatless meals even when I am in the middle of a harried week or weekend. On Saturday in the middle of a seven hour volunteer shift with our animal shelter, I came […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, E2 friendly recipe, going veg, kale salad, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, oil free dressing, oil free recipe, orange salad dressing, plant based diet, vegan recipe, vegan salad dressing, vegan wannabe
I have begun to count the days until the Sasha Farms Animal Sanctuary Annual Vegan Chili Cook-off. Sasha Farms is the closest farm animal sanctuary to us. The chili cook off/fun day is one of the few times you can stroll through the farm meeting the animals and spending time on the land they call […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Dearborn animal shelter, Farm Sanctuary, No Beast Feast, plant based diet, Sanctuary: Portraits of Rescued Farm Animals, SASHA Farm, vegan chili cook-off, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
During the fifteen day juice fast, many of you inquired about my juicer of choice. At that time, my broken juicer was barely hanging on and I was researching new juicers. After all the searching, reading and comparing, I decided that I was most inclined to the Omega brand. They have several different varieties of […]
Tags: compassionate eating, juicer, juicing, juicing recipes, masticating juicer, Omega juicer, Omega VRT 350, plant based diet, single auger juicer, trying vegan, using a juicer, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday. I have the most insanely delicious energy bar recipe to share with you. It takes only minutes to prepare an entire pan of them, they will keep indefinitely in the freezer and they taste like Blondie brownies. They are good enough to plan a run or any exercise around. They could encourage […]
Tags: Amber Shea Crawley, blondie bars, blondie brownies, compassionate eating, dairy free, JL Goes Vegan, Meatless Monday, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, Practically Raw, vegan blondie brownies, vegan dessert, vegan energy bar, vegan energy bar recipe, vegan recipe, vegan snack, vegan wannabe
Enter To Win Exciting news. I have the opportunity to give away two tickets to this year’s No Beast Feast. No Beast is a fundraiser dinner for the Dearborn Animal Shelter. The meal is sensational and entirely vegan from the rolls with butter to the dessert buffet. Local restaurants and chefs come together to […]
Tags: Dearborn animal shelter, enter to win tickets, Kale Trail update, No Beast Feast, plant based diet, vegan fundraiser dinner, vegan wannabe
This past week the peaches have been unbelievable. They have been drip down your arm juicy, honeyed and summery. We have been juicing , grilling and enjoying them every chance we get. I decided to create a raw dessert as a stage to feature this succulent stone fruit. I frequently feel intimidated by raw recipes […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, dairy free dessert, going veg, peach pie, plant based diet, raw dessert, raw pie recipe, trying vegan, vegan dessert, vegan peach pie, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday I have a salad recipe to share that will make incorporating meatless meals into your week a tasty joy. This is a perfect salad to bring for lunch or to enjoy with your meal or as your meal. You can add anything you would like and experiment with all kinds of different […]
Tags: chop salad, chop salad recipe, compassionate eating, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, plant strong, trying vegan, vegan experience, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe
Happy Olympics! I love the Olympics like I love eating vegan ice cream and going on vacation. In order to watch them we had to buy a converter box for our old television because we have not had tv for years. It has been worth bringing the equivalent of a broadcast tower into our living […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Engine 2 Diet, Mayo Clinic, myth of animal protein, plant based diet, plant strong, vegan experience, vegan wannabe
Happy Meatless Monday and the last day of the fifteen day juice fast. I can hardly believe that fourteen days have passed. There were many times when it felt too difficult to go the distance. Sometimes, I wanted to break the fast and eat the entire contents of the first thing I could get my […]
Tags: compassionate eating, juice fast, plant based diet, trying vegan, vegan dessert, vegan wannabe
Next Friday we are having a soiree for Chloe’s fourth birthday. She has a party every year complete with parting gifts and pupcakes for attendees to take home for their own canine loved ones. Sandy and I have planned a fab vegan menu and are looking forward to celebrating the birthday of our beloved […]
Tags: compassionate eating, Ellen DeGeneres' dog food line, Halo, Halo vegan dog food, plant based diet, trying vegan, vegan dog food, vegan wannabe