Yesterday I promised to share with you in today’s post about a vegan cheese that was new to us, called Sheese. We’ve sampled a few of their products and here is the first scoop about some of this non-dairy cheesy delight. I used the Gouda to make the Garlicky, Gouda Croutons that topped the roasted veggie […]
Tags: Black Duck Imports, compassionate eating, dairy free, dairy free cheese, going veg, PETA, Sheese, Speaking up for animals, The Dog Coat Lady, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan cheese, vegan experience, vegan gouda, vegan products, vegan wannabe
Over the weekend we were given a handful of butternut squash that had been grown by my niece and nephew. They are in elementary school and have a voracious appetite for growing veggies (love that). Because I know how lovingly this squash had been cared for, I felt it was my obligation and honor to […]
Tags: 12 Days of Vegan Joy Giveaway, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, roasted butternut squash soup, roasted winter veggie bisque, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan entree, vegan experience, vegan garlicky gouda croutons, vegan recipe, vegan Sheese croutons, vegan transition, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe
To honor the last day of VeganMoFo, I am delighted to share this unbelievably inspiring, heart lifting and smile provoking short video. This is a phenomenal video of an eleven year old describing what he believes are the problems with the US Food System and how we can make it better. He shares that now […]
Tags: Birke Baehr, compassionate consumption, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, MoFo, TED conference, TEDx, TEDx Asheville, TEDx Next Generation Asheville, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, Vegan MoFo, vegan wannabe
There are two more days to rack up chances to win in the Twelve Days of Vegan Joy Giveaway. Enter to win through Nov 30th by commenting on any post or sending me an email saying Hey, I want to win! to: and you will start piling up chances to win Dec 1-12. I […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, Greek Appetizer recipe, My Big Fat Greek Dip, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan appetizer, vegan appetizer recipe, vegan challenge, vegan Greek dip, vegan party foods, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian appeztier, vegetarian party foods
Thanksgiving at our house started with Meals on Wheels deliveries and eased into a full day movie marathon. We continued with our Hitchcock addiction and added a few other movies for a dose of sanity. One of the non-Hitchcock movies we watched was Chicken Run from Dreamworks. It is an animated movie set on a […]
Tags: Chicken Run, compassionate eating, Dreamworks, Glass Walls, going veg, movie review, Paul McCartney, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan wannabe
I love cranberry sauce from a can and am not ashamed to admit it. I crave cranberries with my Tofurky and have not yet tasted a fresh sauce that I love as much as a good solid can of whole berry sauce. It is like survival food because it comes out of the can looking […]
Tags: compassionate eating, cranberry and orange sauce, dairy free, Engine 2 Diet, fresh cranberry sauce, going veg, Meatless Monday recipe, plant based diet, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan giveaway, vegan prize giveaway, vegan recipe, vegan Thanksgiving recipes, vegan wannabe, vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes, whole cranberry sauce
Introducing Twelve Days of Vegan Joy Giveaways! In celebration of the holiday season getting underway, I am sharing in some fun vegan love giveaways. Who doesn’t like to win stuff? I sure do and I like giving it away too. From now until Nov 30th, every time you comment on the blog, send me an […]
Tags: compassionate eating, dairy free, free animal rights stuff, free PETA t-shirts, going veg, trying vegan, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan give aways, vegan green bean casserole, vegan products, vegan recipe, vegan recipes, vegan Thanksgiving, vegan Thanksgiving recipes, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes, win PETA merchandise
Hi my name is Sherry and I am addicted to lip balm. I don’t know when or how it began, but this is my reality. The tricky part is that even though my addiction is out of control, I am kind of particular about it. Over the counter balm wont appease the monkey on my […]
Tags: compassionate products, cruelty free products, Ct Soaps and Candles, going veg, The Bath Shack, trying vegan, vegan beauty products, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan lip balm, vegan product review, vegan products, vegan soaps, vegan wannabe
I go to sleep at night looking forward to breakfast. Leaving the house without breakfast would be tantamount to leaving without a top on…I just wouldn’t do it. Sometimes I crave oatmeal or smoothies, while other mornings I wake up wanting savory things like hummus or left over Tofurky. On weekends, breakfast can stretch out […]
Tags: Breakfast sliders, compassionate eating, dairy free, Gimme Lean sausage, going veg, Pillsbury reduced fat crescent rolls, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan, vegan breakfast, vegan breakfast sliders, vegan recipe, vegan wannabe, vegetarian breakfast, vegetarian recipe
I made this salad on the fly when I found out that a friend of ours was joining us for dinner. We were out of traditional salad fixins and were having burgers on the grill. I thought this would be the perfect accompaniment and I had all of the ingredients on hand. Ingredients 1 Can […]
Tags: black bean and corn salad, black bean salad, compassionate eating, dairy free, going veg, trying vegan, trying vegetarian, vegan challenge, vegan experience, vegan recipe, vegan side dish, vegan wannabe, vegetarian recipe, vegetarian side dish